

All players start their career as farmer near Siena and sell their harvest. With enough guilders earned one advances to Trader and trades in the whole of Tuscany. All players want to members of the senate of Siena and need to advance to banker, to be able to hire artists or to finance the new tower to win the approval of the citizen. The game starts win an opening auction of 7 cards, then up to 20 rounds with three phases each are played: Advance turn marker – determine sequence of play and buy Siena cards, maybe auction a card – Auction Phase. When the 7th level of the tower is build or the artist Ambrogio Lorenzetti“ has been auctioned, the game ends and bankers may score their points.


Development game * 2-5 players from age 12 * Designer: Mario Papini * Graphics: Ombretta Bernardi * 6400 1, Zugames, Italy, 2005 *** Zugames *