
Vorsicht laut!


On the heels of Zockato, Silenzio has arrived, a reaction and action game featuring round cards that – as is stated explicitly in the rules – can also be used as beer coasters. Each of those round cards determines a sound and/or a move or gesture which must be imitated by players on turning up the card. The cards are dealt evenly to all players and are stacked face-down by each player. Then in turn each player turns up a card and all must implement the correct action as fast as they can, the slowest player or the first one to react wrongly is given the card. The first player without cards wins the game. Game variants using card colors are determined with a spinner, or you can use the 36 card to play a memo game.


A game of reaction or memory * 2-6 players, ages 5+ * Designer: Thomas Baier * Zockato, Germany, 2010 *** Zockato Baier & Keuchler GbR *