Mountain of Inferno


Mountain of Inferno is a chapter in „Journey to the West“, on of the four classical novels of Chinese literature. Xuanzang has been trapped in the Mountain of Inferno together with the evil Buffalo Demon King Family and his disciples must protect. Disciple cards are laid out in two rows to form the Mountain of Inferno, each player is dealt 3 cards and places his Xuanzang marker on one of the disciple cards. A player turn comprises playing cards, move Xuanzang, check for end of round conditions and draw cards. End of round happens when a Xuangzang marker is located at the intersection of a row and column of four unique disciple cards, or when the draw pile is depleted. Then all count the score on the cards in row or column with their Xuangzang marker or a maximum of four cards when the draw pile was empty. After a number of rounds depending on the number of player the player with the highest total wins.


Version                           : en

Rules                              : en

In-game use of language   : no


Card placement game  * 2-4 players, ages 10+ * Designer: Ta-Te Wu * ZMG4060, Z-Man, USA, 2009 * Z-Man Games *