

Alter                    8

Spezial                 vi


Witty Pong



Monkeys are romping through the jungle playing Witty Pong and the players join in: In your turn you turn up a card and either call out the correct word or move the ball!

You begin the game with 3 banana chips, the assist cards are laid out and the racket cards placed for a draw pile. Four cards are laid out in a square and the ball is placed on one of these cards. Then you can play in one of three different levels, but the way to play is always the same: You draw a card and immediately place it on one of the three stacks currently without ball. When the new card shows a ball, you say nothing and place the ball on this card. When there is no ball on the new card you say the correct word fast and loud.

The correct word depends on the level of difficulty and the three cards without ball:

For the Sunday level the majority of letters on the cards determines whether the word has to start with T or P and the majority of colors whether it ends with ing or ong. The Competition Level introduces the letter K in case of three identical letters and a double word in different order for either 3x blue or 3x red, that is, ping-pong or pong-ping. The rules for the Ultimate level take bananas into account: If there is a banana on the new card the other players can try to be faster than you. If you make a mistake you lose a banana chip. The last one in play with a banana chip wins.

Funny, simple and fiendishly difficult! Ping, King, Tong or is it ping-pong after all? You must look quickly and react even more quickly! And aah or ooh for more than 3 seconds costs you a chip, too!


Spieler         : 2-8

Alter            : ages 8+

Dauer           : ca. 10 min


Autor           : Antoine Bauza, Bruno Cathala

Grafik          : Alex A.

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 15 Euro

Verlag          : Witty Editions 2011



Genre                    : Kartenspiel

Zielgruppe             :


Sprache        : fr en de

Regeln         : fr en de

Text im Spiel : no



Simple rules

Quick reactions necessary

Lots of fun

Good with players of different age

Handicap system with different numbers of chips



Kakadoo and other reaction games using noises or words


Zufall                            1





Gedächtnis          3




Action                  3