Witty Pong


Monkeys are playing Ping Poing in the jungle! You turn over a card and – depending on the situation – must say the right formula or relocate the ball. The newly turned-up card must be placed quickly on a stack without the ball, then you look at the card: If it shows the ball you place the ball on the card and say nothing. Otherwise you look at all cards: In the easy version you pronounce the letter in the majority plus the syllable „ong“ if there are more blue cards or the syllable “ing” if there are more red cards. In Level 2 you say either Ping, Pong, Ting, Tong, King, Kong or both syllables together in different sequence depending on number of letters and colour of cards and in Level 3 bananas are taken into account, too! If you make a mistake you lose a banana chip, if you have no chips you are out of the game, if you are the last in play you win!


Reaction game with cards * 2-8 players, ages 8 and up * Designers: Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala * 10000 0, Witty, France, 2011 *** Witty Editions * www.mywittygames.com