Han Heidema’s
Riding through England
Not only a
ride through England, but a ride through England’s railway history, starting
with the first short tracks to mines or factories via their joining up to
bigger companies up the four regional groups and British Rails after World War
II and then again to the reprivatisation under Margaret Thatcher in the
Eighties of the 20th Centhury through to partial abandonments. Phase
1 consists of expansion and consolidation and ends with the fulfilment of one
of four possible conditions. In Phase 2 the track built is privatised and
abandoned using the money earned in Phase 1. The player with the most valuable
track system at the end of the game is the winner.
Game * 3-6 Spieler * no age given * Designer: Han Heidema * Series: Riding *
Essen 2004 Edition, 11 of 80 * Winsome Games, USA, 2004 * Winsome Games * winsome@fyi.net
* www.fyi.net/~winsome