Voll der Hammer


Players are do-it-yourself workers and renovate their homes, one scores points for finished rooms and the garden and for money saved. The first player to reach the garden shed, ends the game, the player with the highest score wins. In his turn one rolls the die and either moves the full distance or moves a minimum of one position and uses part of the roll for work or saving money. To do work one must buy tools in the shops and pay may moving the money marker back. Tools take damage by being used. One can only work in one room at a time, for a finished room one scores points.

Promotion game for „selbst ist der Mann, Das Heimwerker-Magazin“


Promotion game * 2-5 players from age 8 * Idea: Walter Müller * Illustration: Irene Wanitschke * Bauer Lapis, Germany, 2005 *** Heinrich Bauer Lapis KG * www.selbst.de