Railroad Dice


Players are investors and want to be directos of one or more of 5 rail road companies. One gets to be CEO by buying shares and building stations specifically assigned to the company. All investors can lay track and explore the land, aim of the game is to build as many adjacent stations as possible and to transport many passengers. A move consists of taking income, roll the dice, buy shares, lay track and station building, then dice are reduced to five. Dice behind the screen are currency or are rolled and placed before the screen, regardless of top side. Dice  before the screen have a defined top and are track or share or question mark accordingly, may not be rolled, turned or put behind the screen. The player who is sole director of a big company at the end of game, because he has transported the majority of passengers, regardless on which line.

2nd edition, 2004, changed box and rules


Railroad game with dice * 2-4 players from age 10 * Designer: Jens Kappe * Wassertal, Germany, 2004 *** Wassertal Spieleverlag * www.wassertal.de * info@wassertal.de