


Spezial                 vi


Party Alarm

18 x full activity!


Action at your party! Two teams endeavor to complete tasks and spirits are running high! In each color segment of the board three different types of tasks are waiting for the players, the marker for each player moves along the rings on the board. If you are the active player within your team you are given a task depending on the location of your team marker. Each task gives exact parameters how it must be implemented. Regardless whether you solved the task or not the team marker advances one step in any case. If you did solve the task your marker on the mood indicator moves up by 10%. When the team marker reaches the positions of 30, 60 or 100 %, the team must pass a Fitness test – another kind of tasks – to enable the marker on the rings to pass into the next segment or the finish.

Altogether there are 18 different categories of tasks where you should create good moods, bundled in threes in color groups, the selection includes writing poems, lip reading, tongue teasers, dexterities, and so on and so on. Each category has its own special features and states necessary, forbidden or possible ways to act. Basically the categories feature standard mechanisms, but the selection of the tasks is creative and imaginative. There are some new elements, for instance the sentences demanding to identical words in series making sense, that are rather challenging!

Funny, cute, rather new and a welcome addition to the range of such games for all people you like that kind of games. Very often you need to solve the task together with your other team members, as in deciphering or the orientation task.


Spieler         : 4+

Alter            : ages 12 and up

Dauer           : ca. 60 min


Autor           : Melanie und Tobias Eiger

Grafik          : Dennis Lohausen, Kurt Gall

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 20,00 Euro

Verlag          : W&L Spielspass



Genre                    : Party game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : different mechanisms for 18 different tasks



Standard topic

Standard mechanisms have been varied very nicely and creatively

Language-dependent, German edition only



All other party and creative games with knowledge and dexterity tasks


Zufall                            1



Kreativität           3

Wissen_               3


Kommunikation   2

Interaktion                   2

Geschicklichkeit  1

Action                  1