

The chicken in the yard want their freedom and try to follow the coloured spots. But to do that, they must roll the die, the top side determines on spot, the bottom side a second. Now players bid for these spots with their chicken feed, the winner of the bid goes to spot in the top colour, the second highest bid wins movement to the spot with the bottom colour. The farmer wants to keep his chicken and sometimes sends them back. Who reaches the finish spot first, wins the game.


Positionsspiel * 2-4 Spieler ab 7 Jahren * Autor: Irene Wolf * ca. 20 min * 10017, W & L, Deutschland, 2001 *** W & L Verlagsgesellschaft mbH * Nussbaumweg 4 * D-71720 Oberstenfeld * Fon +49-7062-23181 * Fax +49-7062-23603 * info@spielspass-verlag.de * www.spielspass-verlag.de