Wallace has transferred his game „Lancashire Rails“ onto german lines, players
build tracks in Germany during the 20ties and connect them to neighbouring
countries. Players are tycoons who have invested in track building, some tracks
are joint ventures between several players. Players bid for packs of line cards
to lay down tracks, heart of the game besides capital enhancement and track
construction is the transport of freight into stations of the same colour as
the freight, profit is a function of distance, to transport over more than 6
track units one needs action cards. After repaying all loans the player with
the most many wins.
Railway game * 2-6 players from age 10 * Author: Martin Wallace * ca. 90 min * ca. 25,05 € * 689018, Kosmos, Deutschland, 2001 *** Kosmos * Postfach 10 60 11 * D-70049 Stuttgart * Fon: +49-711-2191-0 * Fax: +49-711-2191-244 * spielwaren@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de