The secret order of the "White Lotus" rebels against the emperor, the fight for dominance in the provinces. At beginning of the game the starting player is also emperor, 7 of the provinces have markers for farmers, rice, temple, fortress or palace, the player have total influence of 12 and armies of value 3. Then all put their markers into the provinces, a conflict in a province (more than one player has a marker there) is resolved with influence, but always AGAINST a player, the one with the most influence against him is out of the province. When all provinces are resolved, players can decide whether there will be a rebellion, this is decided with army cards, again AGAINST emperor or rebel. At the end of the round new influence and armies are dealt, when all provinces are decided, the player with the most valuable total in provinces and bonuses wins.


Position game * 3-6 player from age 12 * Author: Martin Wallace * ca. 90 min * ca. 30 € * TM-Spiele, 2000 *** TM-Spiele bei Kosmos * Postfach 10 60 11 * D-70049 Stuttgart * Fon: +49-711-2191-0 * Fax: +49-2191-244 * *