

Alter                    8

Spezial                 1



Solitaire or team play


A new game of logic and thinking, this time on the topic of knots – 40 tasks in four different levels of difficulty – from beginner to expert – train spatial imagination and thinking as well as manual dexterity and mobility. You choose a task card of the desired level of difficulty and form the knot depicted on it as fast as you can. For 2, 3 or 4 players you have the choice of playing single games with 2, 3 and 4 players or of team play with 2 or 4 players.

In single play you win if you are the first to score 8 points. Each player takes one ring and one rope, a task card is placed into the Tug-o-War Score Keeper

for all to see. If you are finished you turn over the timer, all others now have 30 sec reprieve time to finish their knots. Then the fastest player’ knot is checked and points are scored: 2 points for the fastest player if the knot is correct and nobody else finished a correct knot, 1 point for a correct knot in case at least one other player finished the knot. In case the knot of the fastest player was incorrect all other players score 2 points.
In team play the winner of the game is the team than can pull the rope of the Tug-o-War Score Keeper to its side. The team whose players all finish the knot on the task card correctly first pulls the rope out – 2 notches if the opposing team did not finish in the 30 seconds reprieve time, or  1 point in case the other team could finish a knot.

Knot so fast is an attractive supplement to the range of logic puzzles, the knots themselves are a challenging task, especially in the more difficult levels, for your spatial thinking and manual dexterity.


Players         : 1-4

Age             : 8+

Duration       : 20+

Designer      : Dugald Keith

Artist           : Amanda Turner, Tony LaSeur

Price            : ca. 20 Euro

Publisher      : Thinkfun/HCM Kinzel 2011

Web             :

Genre          : Game on spatial thinking

Users           : For families

Special         : 1 player

Version        : de

Rules           : de

In-game text : no


Comments    : Playable alone and in teams * “Reprieve” time is an interesting detail * trains spatial thinking and manual dexterity

Compares to : Other logic puzzles, e.g. Cobra Cube

Other editions: Voll verknotet, HCM Kinzel / THinkfun


Chance                0

Tactic                   0

Strategy__          0

Creativity            0

Knowledge          3

Memory               0

Communication   0

Interaction          0

Dexterity             3

Action                  3