Voll verknotet
Knot so fast
A new game of logic and thinking, this time on knots – 40 tasks in four different levels of difficulty – from beginner to expert – train spatial imagination and thinking as well as manual dexterity and mobility. The rules offer ways to play in teams: The team that first replicates the knot depicted on the task card pulls the rope in the score counter 1 or 2 steps, depending on whether the opposing team has managed to finish the task in the “grace” period of 30 seconds, after the first team did finish. In case of four players, both knots of a team must be correct.
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In-game text: no
A game of spatial thinking * 1-4 players, ages 8+ * Designer: Dugald Keith * Art: Amanda Turner, Tony LaSeur * 0411, Thinkfun, US *** Thinkfun Inc. * HCM Kinzel * www.hcm-kinzel.eu