Das Haus Anubis Der Schatz von Anubis


The friends in „Club der Alten Weide“ must find the treasure of Anubis to stop the curse that has been laid on Nina’s grandmother. In the boarding school and the antiquity shop players must master seven tasks. They must cooperate to stand up against events and the timing mechanism. You move your character and discover secrets by uncovering tiles, drawing of cards and implementing of instructions. To master a task you discard task and corresponding support tile. After each round the time marker advances. Have all tasks been mastered before the time marker reaches 40, all players have won together.


Cooperative adventure game based on the TV series, for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Studio100

Web: www.studio100.de

Stock#: MEHADEPPP170


Users: For children

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes