





Drilling for oilwells


i9n is supposed to stand for information. Your job is to guide two prospector searching for oil wells, the number of these wells is halved in each round of the game. You need to drill to locate positions of the oil wells. Financing for the drills must happen via share trading. The stack of punch cards with information on the back is prepared for a game according to stringent rules. In each of the 6 phases you slide a card underneath the plate to halve the number of available oil wells. The active player rolls the die and can use the result for actions. Possible actions are: Move the prospector, trade shares or drill for an oil well at the location of the prospector. Shares can be acquired for points from the stock exchange or traded by with other players; points acquired by this can be used for actions. Drilling for oil costs you 1 point and the use of a share that is valid at the location; the share is placed in the deposit. For drills there are limitations according to locations with drilling rigs, a drilling rig owns exclusive rights for two rounds. If you manage to drill down to the bottom of the processor you have found an oil well, place a drilling rig valid for the phase and mark if for your own. A phase ends with the setting up of the last drilling rig of the phase. At the end you win with most points from oil wells and shares.

I9n offers an unusual game mechanism, you need logic, observation abilities and memory to draw conclusions from your opponents’ actions to drill for oil successfully. I9n is an innovative challenge, but absolutely eligible for families with a bit of gaming experience.


Players         : 2-5

Age             : 10+

Duration       : 60+

Designer      : Dirk Strothmann

Artist           : Dirk Strothmann

Price            : ca. 35 Euro

Publisher      : Strothmann Spiele 2010

Web             :

Genre          : Position and deduction game

Users           : with friends

Version        : multi

Rules           : de en

In-game text : no


Comments: Computer game without electronics * sophisticated mechanism with punched cards * careful set-up necessary to ensure functioning of punched cards


Compares to:

First game of its kind


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance                2

Tactic                   3

Strategy__          0

Creativity            0

Knowledge          1

Memory               2

Communication   0

Interaction          2

Dexterity             0

Action                  0