

Dr. Frankenstein and his helpmate Igor prepare for the creation of a new being and lay out the necessary parts. What they need can be found on the recipe cards in the hands of the players and players try to fulfil these cards as quickly as possible. Each player has 5 cards, turns up the topmost card and can use 3 action points in his move. Rearranging parts costs point, fulfilling a card and draw a new one 1 point and swap recipe cards 3 points. Parts can also be rearranged in groups, for fulfilling a recipe the parts shown must lie in a row or column and be accessible from the top. If Igor fulfils his last card, he wins immediately, if Frankenstein does so first, Igor gets another chance.


Card arrangement game * Serie: Spiele zum Selbermachen * 2 players from age 10 * Designer: Michael Schacht * Graphics: Hans-Jörg Brehm * 1682/2000, Spiele aus Timbuktu, Germany, 2005 *** Spiele aus Timbuktu *