Rolling Bones

Hip bone needs back bone


There are games which one likes at first sight and Rolling Bones was one of those games for me, and probably for many others, too because the limited edition is already sold out, maybe because of the promo picture, the skeleton running away from the dice is cute. Despite being sold out the witty, not at all bone-dry dice game is presented; maybe there will be a new edition!

The game is made up from 18 dice, 6 dice each for the left and right side of a body and the middle of your body with hat and headstone. The numbers on the dice denote the sequence of bones, in analogy to the song of “...your hip bone connected to your back bone …“. You roll the dice to achieve as complete a skeleton as possible and score points for each skeleton that you buried. If you have a headstone in your throw you can bury the sequence for points or roll again for missing bones. If you want to use the headstone you must be able to bury a sequence of bones without a gap, regardless of the actual length of the sequence. In your move you roll all dice and set aside sequences of bones. If you want to roll again you pay for those additional throws: For the first you must discard one die, for the second one two dice and so on. If you cannot do this and cannot use a headstone you must forfeit the points for this round. After such an additional roll you must be able to add a bone to your skeleton, if not, you may add a wrong one. Complete sections of the skeleton score 5 points, single correct bones 1 point and wrong ones -5 points. The hat – it cannot be placed wrongly – doubles your points. If you reach or top 100 points you win.


Players: 2+

Age: 8+

Time: variable

Designer: Henning Poehl

Artist: Michael Holtschulte

Price: check with publisher

Publisher: Sphinx Spieleverlag 2011


Genre: Dice game

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



Witty topic

Nicely implemented

Good for groups and as filler

Currently sold out


Compares to:

Yahtzee, Settlers Dice Game and other dice game on combinations


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0