

Finally picking one’s nose in public is possible, but only with cards you may try to achieve the fattest possible result. Each player has 5 nose picking cards, a player in his turn must check noses, play cards, try to pick a nose, replace noses and draw cards. For picking a nose one must first try to place fitting fingers next to the nose, their value must be lower or equal to the value demanded on the nose card. If there are fingers on each side of the nose, on may pick by rolling the dice, the value rolled must be lower or equal the nose picking value of the nose! When all noses are picked the player with the most points wins.


Satirical card game * 2-5 players from age 6 * Designer: Henning Poehl * 0505 1, Sphinx, Germany, 2004 * ca. 60 min *** Sphinx Spieleverlag * www.sphinxspiele.de * henning.poehl@sphinxspiele.de