With friends
Die Exorzisten
Fahr zur Hölle, Satanas!
Friends ein
Alter 16
Six different characters stand ready to exorcise the possessed. But each of them has a different opinion on what would be the best way to help. There is the radical course of the exorcist, who wants to chase Evil back into hell and at the other end the voodoo priest who thinks being possessed is good. So players have lots of choices, but whatever the choice it will not be easy, because in the body of the possessed there is a plethora of demons, Judas, Cain, Hitler, Nero, Mephisto and of course Satanas.
A round comprises: play actions, evaluate actions, play reactions, evaluate reactions and maybe exorcise. This is followed by checking victory conditions, acquiring of objects and taking back used action and reaction cards.
The possessed is exorcised till one of the characters has achieved his personal victory condition. Successful exorcism can earn a character divine power, failure enhanced the power of Evil: Depending on their victory condition the different characters aim for success or failure of an exorcism. E.g., exorcist and psychologist can influence demons, or the expert for horror movies can escape participation in an exorcism by watching a home video, not roll the die and thus influence the outcome
Die Exorzisten is a game with a very special topic, graphics, material all is absolutely excellent, mechanisms are standard, but nicely combined to make characters use special capabilities and tools.
Spieler : 3-6
Alter : ab 16 Jahren
Dauer : ca. 75 min
Autor : Henning Poehl
Grafik : Markus Bülow
Vertrieb A. : Heidelberger
Preis : ca. 16,00 Euro
Verlag : Sphinx Spieleverlag 2009
Genre : „Black“-themed card and dice game
Zielgruppe : With friends
Mechanismen : Use characters and cards
Zufall : 2
Wissen :
Planung : 6
Kreativität :
Kommunikation :
Geschicklichkeit :
Action :
Décor harmonizing with the theme
Super graphics
Only for aficionados
Good combination of standard mechanisms
Soul Hunters, Apokalypse and other “black” games