Guided Lands

Tabletop für alle


Guided Lands is a rules compendium for tabletop games which can be used for all kinds of miniatures regardless of manufacturer or material. The deploying of armies is regulated by a modular system, which allows you to design and equip your own races, be it humanoids, monsters or mounts. This is amended by artillery units and rules for the use of magic. Players can choose which miniatures or landscape markers to use. Each player individually defines the characteristics of his races to his own preferences, so the elves of one player can have completely different abilities and characteristics from the elves of his opponent. The rules recommend to only create one race for miniatures with the same characteristics and to avoid similar races only differing in details, like “with spear” or “without spear”. The alignment of miniatures in the game is not important, a miniature always can execute all actions possible in a given situation.

In interesting feature is the Golden Rule: If a situation is not entirely covered by the rules and players cannot come to an agreement a die is rolled – an even result implements the opinion of the younger player, an uneven result that of the older player. Game play is divided into rounds comprising the phases Form Initiative Stack, Activate Units, check for end of round and check for end of game.

Guided Lands is in interesting compendium and a very good framework of rules, very tight and concise despite all its variety. All aspects of a tabletop game are covered. The book offers an ideal aid to newcomers to the genre and very clear instructions for a first game.


Players: 2

Age: 14+

Duration: 180+

Designer: Jörg Weseloh, Helge Landmesser, Stefan Zlatintsis

Artist: Bernd Göwe, Michael Mittag, Tu Peishu

Price: ca. 23 Euro

Publisher: Smiling Monster Games


Genre: Rulebook for tabletops

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



Rulebook for every kind of miniatures * scenarios available for download * very good introduction into the genre for beginners


Compares to:

All rulebooks for tabletops


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance: 2

Tactic: 3

Strategy: 1

Creativity: 3

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory: 0

Communication: 0

Interaction: 3

Dexterity: 3

Action: 1