

Alter                    8

Spezial                 vi



Half Goethe, or Half an Astronaut?


Once upon a time there was a sketching block by the name of Monstermaler, which was used to draw VIP portraits, but not just drawing them, but one person drew one half of the portrait and another person drew the other half and then all guessed who it might be.

And then the Belgians with the Sombreros found that sketching block and turned it into Tadaaam! 110 task cards feature two definitions each in the difficulty levels of green/easy, orange/normal and red/difficult, and then there is blue for fiendish/persons. Each player has a drawing board, draws a card, chooses a definition in the level of difficulty previously agreed upon for the game and notes the number in the left-hand bottom of his board. Then he draws the right half of the definition in the right half of the board, closes the board and hands card and board to the left. The left neighbor now checks the number for the definition and draws the left half of it. Letters and numbers are forbidden, the definition may only be drawn half, but you can add other items or markers.

In the Tadaaam-Phase the boards are opened and all players not involved in a drawing can guess. A correct guess scores 2 points, the artists 1 points each. After 5 rounds the player with the highest score wins. The handicap-wheel introduced turbulent action, you might need to draw with one of your ears touching the table.

Have fun to draw half of Madame Tussaud or half a key without knowing if your partner started with its teeth or the knob?? Or draw the cow sideways or head-on? I can’t draw, but I love Tadaaam, maybe because I can’t draw??


Spieler         : 4-9

Alter            : ages 8+

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Friedemann Friese, Andrea Meyer und Marcel-André Casasola Merkle

Grafik          : Fabrice Bovy

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 27 Euro

Verlag          : Repos Productions 2010



Genre                    : Drawing and guessing game

Zielgruppe             : For families


Sprache        : de en fr nl

Regeln         : de en fr nl

Text im Spiel : no



New edition of Monstermaler

Now also with definitions, too

Re-usable drawing boards

Very attractive components



Monstermaler, Identik and aother drawing games


Zufall            __      

Taktik              __   


Kreativität           3

Wissen_           _   

Gedächtnis      __   

Kommunikation   3

Interaktion           3

Geschicklichkeit  3
