Alter 9
Spezial vi
Good rhymes can climb rungs!
Players assist a suitor in love who stands at the base of a tower and recites poems to meet his love on the balcony. The more original the verses the faster he can climb. If the poems are very beautiful the Beauty descends from the tower. If you are the first to make suitor and Beauty meet at the same level of the tower you win.
In each round you turn up one card for the topic and 2 two cards for the rhymes you must use in your poem. Players write a four-line verse, 2 lines end with one rhyme, the other two lines with the other rhyme. The deciding element is the sound of the rhyme, not the spelling. There are no other restrictions for your creativity. When all are finished all read out their rhyme and repeat their rhyme words. If you are the only one who has used a certain word, you can mark a box on the ladder depicted on the game sheet, starting at the bottom of the rungs. Even if you did not complete your poem you score for words you did use alone. If the mark is next to a color mark you have reached this level. At the end of the round players vote on the poems: Each player chooses a poem he liked best and then can cross out that many boxes for the Beauty to come down, starting at the top of the tower, as players have voted for the same poem. When both marks of a player have reached the same level at the end of a round this player has won.
Cyrano is a well-made and attractive language game on words and rhymes, a must for all players liking such games. The poetic demands are small, the fun is huge, a good stock of synonyms in your vocabulary can be of help.
Spieler : 4-9
Alter : ages 10 and up
Dauer : ca. 30 min
Autor : Angèle und Ludovic Maublanc
Grafik : Pieró
Titel englisch : -
Preis : ca. 26,00 Euro
Verlag : Repos / Asmodee 2010
Genre : Game of words and rhymes
Zielgruppe : For families
Mechanismen : Write rhymes, mark levels
Funny topic
Very few restrictions and rules
No time limit
First game of this kind
Zufall 1
Kreativität 3
Kommunikation 2
Interaktion 2