X610Z Existenz

Act I: The New Era




Friends         ein    




Spezial         2       


X610Z: The name is a pun on Existenz (Existence) and is a trading card game combined with a board and pieces. The background story features a New Earth with all technology destroyed and all DNA shifted to completely new life forms. 333 years after that cataclysm an Unknown Objects crashes into New Earth and all players must escape to safety with their space pod called Life Base.

The playing pieces are called Summons, each player has four of them; His Life Base, a Dragon, A Vessel and a Beast, all move on the board. All effects, all activations and also Summons are directed by cards, the cards themselves are activated by different forms of energy. Life Bases of all players start in the center of the board and each player has his own deck of cards.

Your move comprises reactivation of cards, drawing of a card from your own pile, action phase with use cards, activate permanent effects and attacking/moving Summons in any sequence and as many times as you wand and finally the end phase, where other players play and activate cards against you, which you can answer with you cards.

There are four ways to win: You are the first to reach one of the end points on the board or you destroy an opponent‘s Life Base or your opponent cannot draw a card or an opponent cedes the game.

Somewhat familiar, with roots in games from Magic to Space Quast, but then again somehow new! If you manage the better deck, you can do more with your Summons on the board. Expansions ACT II: Spoils of War and ACT III: SoulRage are in the making. A tidbit for fans of the genre.


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 11 and up

Dauer           : ca. 45 min


Autor           : Patrick Ruedisueli

Grafik          : Erik de Brouwer, Peter Coolen

Vertrieb A.   : Publisher

Preis            : ca. 10,00 Euro per Starter

Verlag          : Quantuum 2010



Genre                    : Trading card game with a game board

Zielgruppe             : With Friends

Mechanismen         : Use cards, move pieces


Zufall                     : 3

Wissen                  : 6

Planung                 : 6

Kreativität              :

Kommunikation      : 7

Geschicklichkeit      :

Action                   :



Unusual combination of mechanisms

Rules only in Dutsch

English rules available as download

English card texts



Trading card game, also SciFi adventure games in the broadest sense