A red car is not acceptable!
Children living in the well-to-do borough of Chelsea are growing up and want a home of their own. To help them, parents buy houses and cards, but the children have their own ideas about preferred colours.
Each player represents a family and wants to set up his five children of a colour for live. The board shows 12 houses, each with a garage and garage drive. The van tiles are shuffled face down and randomly placed face down on the garage drives. All other items like cars, houses and garages are shuffled face down and stacked. In your turn you can repaint a house or a garage, buy cars or relocate cards or vans. When three or more features on an estate have the same colour this estate’s colour is considered “frozen” and all newly placed items must be of the same colour. To repaint a house or garage you draw a tile and place it, tiles already there are removed from the game. To buy cars you draw them from the stack and place them on empty parking lots, belonging to one or two estates. Vans are revealed under certain conditions.
A child can move into an empty house, if three of the items have the same colour, but a different one from the colour of the child. If a child moves into a house with an inmate, all colours in the house must differ from the child’s colour and four of the five items in the estate must have the same colour. Two children of the same family can never move into the same house. If a player has managed to house all his children properly he wins the game.
Chelsea has a very funny topic and a very simple mechanism, the vans are jokers you can use to freeze colours on an estate.
Spieler : 3-6
Alter : ages 8 and up
Dauer : approx. 25 min
Autor : Autor: John Ede
Grafik : Andreas Resch
Titel englisch : identical
Preis : ca. 25,00 Euro
Verlag : PrimeGames 2009
Genre : Placement game
Zielgruppe : Mit Freunden
Mechanismen : Place and swap tiles, form sets
Funny, unusual topic
Basically a pure abstract set-building game
German rules available
All placement games with swapping to form sets
Zufall 2
Taktik 3
Strategie__ 1
Interaktion 3