For Families
Mon Tresor
Family ein
Alter 7
Oups is a lovable cartoon character signifying friendly communication and and dealings among people – here Oups is used for a dice and movement game.
Each player is given a pawn and a treasure chest, the cards are sorted by category and stacket ready for use. You roll the die and move your pawn accordingly. If you end on a spot with symbol on the path, you must fulfill the task set by this spot. You might have to gymnastiks, or answer a question or think up a good deed and write it down to be executed later – the promise must be kept! If you receive gemstones, you place them into your treasure chest. There is no winner in this game, only an end. This happens when the last player has reached the “Gate to Us” with a direct roll.
At first glance this looks like the umteenth variant of all other creative and communication games, but it is a game not aimed at winning but at emphasizing good deeds and respectful relations between people. Especially the categories “do a good deed” and “let your heart speak for you” heavily emphasize these aspects. Tasks are to explain why your voice has a friendly sound or the task cards states a sentence that you have to read out in in very friendly way to a fellow player. Other cards demand a good deed like donating your small change to a good cause or to visit somebody or give him a long-overdue call. These good intentions are noted down and players are expected to do what the promised.
A lovable and friendly conversion of standard mechanisms coupled with a detailled and loving design as well as good intentions.
Spieler : 2-6
Alter : ages 7 and up
Dauer : ca. 45 min
Autor : Soyhela Warnung, Stefanie Klünsner
Grafik : unstated
Vertrieb A. : Publisher
Preis : ca. 49,00 Euro
Verlag : Verlag Oups 2010
Genre : Communicative game
Zielgruppe : For families
Mechanismen : playful communication
Zufall : 3
Wissen : 3
Planung :
Kreativität :
Kommunikation : 7
Geschicklichkeit :
Action :
Empathy character Oups
Combination of common elements
Aim of the game is not to win
Adult Game direction necessary
Activity and other games with creative and communicative elements
No English edition