

Each player tries to win as many cards without dung heaps as possible. Each player has 12 cards, number 3-9, worm, fox, corn, egg and 5+. All play a card face down, after turn-up the highest cards wins the other cards, 2 identical cards cancel each other, the 33rd card played wins. 3 identical cards remain for the next round. The fox wins automatically, dung goes back to its player, the egg gets allocated a value, the worm has value 1 or 10, the corn 2 and allows playing of a second card, 5+ is higher than 5 and lower than 6. At the end all cards score their value, the top dung card scores as many negative points as the card shows flies.


Card game * Series: Die tollen Kleinen * 3 players from age 8 * Designer: Frank Stark * Graphics: Frank Stark, Theiss Heidolph * ca. 20 min * 70002, Nürnberger / Heidelberger, Germany, 2006 *** Nürnberger Spielkarten / Heidelberger Spieleverlag * *