The Last of the Independents


The design and the title are somewhat reminiscent of the Twenties and prohibition time, but topic of the game are the small independent American car producers in the Fifties. Each player has a company chart and discs featuring as capital and allotment markers. He assigns markers to sections in three categories, Models, Engineering and Promotion. Then cards are played, one per turn until all players have passed, then each segment is resolved. For a majority in the segments of a category you win a victory point marker. Then in each category a winner for „Car of the Year“ is determined, then a Car of the Year. Then players get back the markers that have been shifted to the return pool in the section resolving and use them to determine their fiscal status. If a player goes bankrupt, he starts with a new company. After three such rounds you win with most victory point markers.


Resources deployment game for 3-6 players, ages 10+


Designer: Patrick Stevens

Publisher: Numbskull Games


Stock Nr.: 08036 1


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en * In-game text: yes