Caminos is a game of connections: Each player or each team must build a path from one side of the board to the other. Depending on the board used the number of sides to connect varies. There are four boards – a 8x8 square, a rhombus, an octagon and a ring - and each player takes the blocks of a colour, in team play team members share blocks. When placing blocks no gaps are allowed beneath blocks, you may place isolated blocks and build over other blocks as long as one area of the block touches the board. In a variant the game starts with 2 neutral blocks being set on the board first.
Abstract placement game * 2 or 4 players, ages 10 and up* Designer: Stefan Kögl * Art: Stefan Kögl * 594814, Murmel, Switzerland, 2010 *** Murmel Spielwerkstatt und Verlag *