

Players follow the tracks of the ancient venetian traders, they sail into unknown countries on the search for trading goods and wealth, the trade, sell and fight robbers and pirates. A move consists of: 1) check seafaring power and adjust number of hand cards 2) trading phase for trading goods or ducati, only the kind of ware must be named correctly. 3) Main phase, cards are played according to the load symbols on the top load card, a player must acquire enough cards for that in the phases before. Actions on the cards are played in the sequence ducati, pirates, market and sailing. 4) Load phase – played cards are discarded onto the load stack, sequence of discarding is determined by the player. When the goods stack is finished, players score ducati for goods, harbours, prestige and loose points for the pirate stack, the player with the highest total of ducati wins.


Card game on the subject of venetian trade * 2-5 players from age 10 * Designer: Emanuele Ornella * ca. 60 minutes * 000238, Mind the Move, Italy 2004 *** Mind the Move * www.mindthemove.com