

A crossword puzzle solvable by 6 people – this is working with the help of this game. The puzzle is laid out on the board, the pieces sit on start. In his turn a player rolls the dice and moves straight in any direction, change of direction is only possible on the start spot or on the spot marked “change of direction”. On the spot reached one tries to answer the first question still unanswered and receives 2 knowledge chips for the correct solution. When more than half of the letters are already filled in one only gains one chip. When all answers on the spot reached are already filled in one has lost a turn. For the use of a dictionary one pays one knowledge chip. Event cards gain or lose chips or allow a variety of moves. When the puzzle has been completely solved, the player with the most chips wins.


Movement game in combination with a crossword puzzle * 2-6 players from age 10 (12) * Designers: Ulrike Hotz, Thomas Lask and Herbert Linnartz * Linaskho, Germany, 2005 *** Linnartz Lask Hotz GBR * www.linaskho.de