With Friends


Das Kosmische Netz

Die 7 Welten




Friends         ein    




Spezial         vi      



Das Kosmische Netz , aka The Cosmic Net, is a new role playing system, in a fantasy background based on European Middle Ages, supplemented by magic and witchcraft. The basic rule book offers all rules and a first adventure, Die Trollbande.  The mechanism used in this new system are basically all well-known, the feature of the Cosmic Net is a new and promising details. The story can take place anywhere in the universe of the net, the planets are magically connected. But not all routes are equally accessible and some regions are self-contained. One of these self-contained region is the Region of the Seven Worlds. Players can move freely between planets, but the rest of the galaxy is closed to them. Cosmic roads connect the seven wolds, these roads are accessible by gates and are known as yellow, blue, green, white and red roads depending on their lighting.  

Game play only uses D6, the creatures of those worlds have life power and in addition to that a magical energy status called Rahjthaumaan. Other characteristics are dexterity, muscle power, intelligence and psychic/soul power.

As any other good system the Cosmic Net, too, gives experienced players enough room for their own ideas and creativity and at the same time takes newcomers firmly by the hand and leads them through the game. The website provides an introductory adventure, The Fortress of the Dwarves.

An ambitious new role playing system, firmly based in well-tested structures and mechanisms, but with new ideas for background and details. One may look forward to see more of the Cosmic Net.


Spieler         : 4-7

Alter            : ab 14 Jahren

Dauer           : variabel


Autor           : Philipp Lenk

Grafik          : Dirk Frerichmann, Gabriele Fritz, Philipp Schuster

Vertrieb A.   : Publisher

Preis            : ca. 35,00 Euro

Verlag          : Verlag Mag. Philipp Lenk 2010



Genre                    : Fantasy role playing

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Use abilities, develop abilities, master quests


Zufall                     : 3

Wissen                  : 5

Planung                 : 5

Kreativität              : 6

Kommunikation      : 6

Geschicklichkeit      :

Action                   :



Well-known mechanisms

Lots of new and creative details

Easy to learn for beginners

Free download of beginner adventure



DSA, D&D and other fantasy role playing games


No english Version