

After three rounds you should score the most points with your best or your least gruesome sandwiches. Each player is dealt 9 cards, which are stacked face-down. All turn up the top card simultaneously, each player must take one ingredient, he can take his own but must let go of it and take it up again. When the stacks have been redistributed players can swap ingredients one for one and make up three sandwiches with three ingredients each. When they are done, each player hands one sandwich to his neighbor. Then the products are “tasted” and points scored for your favorite and least favorite sandwich. After three rounds the player with the highest score wins.


Collecting game * 3-6 players, ages 7 and up * Designer: Christophe Raimbault * Art: Maëva da Silva, Christine Deschamps *  64977 4, Le Joueur, France, 2010 *** Le Joueur *