Die Pyramide des Krimsutep


Players are archaeologists and search for Krimsuteps treasures, on their way they find ankhs to exercise influence on the pyramid. After discovery of the first Kanope the mummy awakens and chases the archaeologists. The first player to take out of the pyramid first a Kanope and then a treasure wins the game. In a turn a player can move, play excavation cards, use ankhs, discard an excavation card and draw up to three excavation cards. A player diagonally next to a mummy may move the mummy, if she meets an archaeologist, she attacks and he looses all ankhs, one Kanope and one treasure.


Search and position game with cards * 2-5 players from age 10 * Designer: Ralf Sandfuchs * Graphics: Matthias Catrein * ca. 75 min * 66013 9, Krimsus, Germany, 2005 *** Krimsus Krimskramskiste * www.krimsu.de * info@krimsu.de