Two Maori tribes lay claim to holy ground and decide the issue by a confrontation at the beach near the rocks, the winning tribe can use the beach and is responsible for it to Mother Nature. If a whale runs abeach, they must return it to the sea and play again for a new winner. The starting player places the neutral Moeraki marble, then both players alternate in placing a marble. If a square is enclosed by marbles, the player with the majority there places one of his tribal tiles. You win if you either enclose a square with marbles of your color alone or if you create a diagonal row between border edges or if you occupy all four dents at the straight border or – when all dents are occupied – you win with the majority points from tribe tiles placed. In the master version Warrior pieces are introduced.
Placement game * 2 players, ages 8+ * Designer: Stefan Kiehl * Art: Florian Buchner * 89044 7, Kiehly, Germany, 2011 *** Kiehly – Besondere Spiele *