

The druids cut runes into gems to make amulets. Each player has a set of servant cards and takes three into his hand, in addition he receives 4 gem cards, mystic locations are laid out. The active player plays 2 cards – not 2 servants face down and places them next to a location and may discard another card. Then he fills his hand up to 7 cards, from servants and/or gems. Before playing cards a player can claim the value of a mystic location which has a minimum of 3 cards, one of them a servant. The gems on the location are revealed, each gem corresponding to the mystic location gem is turned into an amulet and scores its value. When only one location remains, the player with the highest score wins.


Card game on gems * 2-4 players from age 10 * Designer: Leo Colovini * Graphics: Antonio Lupatelli * 009, Kidult, Italien, 2004 *** Kidult Games * www.kidultgame.com