

In the Northern Woods there dwell mysterious monsters! The king wants to know more about them and sends his minions – the players – to explore the monsters. After 6 or 8 rounds you should have accumulated as many points as possible from your explorations to win. At the start you choose a pair of eyes and a mouth from stock as basis for a face, place them on the sheet and draw any monster of your choice around it and give it a name. Then the story on the first card is read out, players listen to this in the role of their current monster and write the reaction to the story into a speech bubble next to the monster. Then a question is asked from a question card and you note down three monsters you think fit the question best. Then all players score for correlations of this list with other players; monsters that you name alone score negative for you. The rules list versions for experienced players with a central question or bids, e.g. that your own monster will not be named, in some of the versions you add to your drawings.


A game of drawing and verbal reactions * 2-8 players, ages 7 and up * Designer: Jírí Mikolás * Illustration: Aneta Kýrová * 09014, Jiras, Tschechien, 2010 *** Jirasgames *