


54 pieces are placed in towers of 1 und 2, the rest is stock. You roll the die and place this number of pieces so that a maximum of 4-piece-towers is generated. Then you distribute those, one piece on each adjacent tower or square, each gets you one piece from the bank. If this generates new 4-piece-towers the are distributes in this way, too. There are special rules for 5-piece-towers. Then you place marbles on towers you reserve them. In the next turn you start to place pieces on the reserved towers. If you distribute a tower next to a reserved tower the owner gets the piece directly. When the stock is empty, the player with most pieces wins.


Placement and collecting game * 2-4 players, ages 8+ * 57035 7, Intellego, Germany, 2011 *** Intellego Holzspiele * www-intellego-holzspiele.de