

On crossing the Rubicon the fight for power in Rome changes into civil war. You represent a noble family influencing the struggle for power. You play a trick-taking card game with 11 cards in three colors. The highest card played regardless of its color wins the trick. “Mob 0” tops every card of any other colour. Three tricks won for a colour ends the round and a consul is placed on the scoring board. Now you can place a hand card for military support.  Three consuls for a colour crown this Triumvir. You win if you have lent him most military support.

Triple language edition – german / english / french


Trick-taking card game for 2 players, ages 12 and up * Designer: Travis Worthington * Art: Luis Francisco, Pedro Vergani * 57331 0, Indie, USA, 2010 *** Indie Boards & Cards *