The Cardinal supervises the the reconstruction of the dome into a
fortress. Each player is one of the
builders and starts with 2 towers, 2 houses and 2 courts. The dome is the
central building, play is clockwise, in his turn a player has three actions: He
must build. He takes points. He may reposition the cardinal. New buildings must
border the dome or other buildings, towers and courts must border a house,
buildings of the same color or the same kind must not be built immediately next
to each other or one after the other, the square with the cardinal cannot be
built upon. For each building bordering a newly built one, the builder receives
a point in the color of the bordering building. At the end of the game each
player receives the left over points in his color, he can then choose one color
to double the points, the others cound normally, the player with the highest
total wins.
Tactical position game * 2-4 players from age 10 * Author: Wolfgang
Panning * Holzinsel, 2000 *** HOLZINSEL * Klaus Grunau * Ringstrasse 17 *
D-56290 Sevenich - Fon +49-6762-2400 * Fax +49-6762-2600 * www.holzinsel.de