The children playing on the edge ot
the woods see a fox run by and immediately decide to play hunters and to follow
him. Thas is more difficult than it seems, because
the fox is far in fromt. The player of the fox begins
the game already in the labyrinth, the
"hunters" must first go through an 18-pace-obstacle parcours before entering the labyrinth themselves. The
players of fox and hunters have also different goals for the game: The fox must
try to escape and the hunters must try to catch him. No further information
Pursuit game * 2-4 players from age 5 * Author: Harald
Frankhauser * ca. 20 min * 90052, Heros,
2000 *** HEROS * Hermann Rossberg GmbH & Co KG * Lohberger Strasse 2 * D-93462 Lam
* Fon +49-9943-9405-0 * Fax +49-9943-3348 * H@t-online.de