

Over a period of 3 weeks players acquire shares in beer gardens and breweries to earn as much money as possible. Each round of the game equals one day, after 7 days payday occurs. In a round 2 cards are turned up, then each player chooses an action – either beer garden expansion, boss nomination/beer contract or share buying. After 7 days payday occurs, income of the beer gardens is halfed between the associated brewery and the share holders, these receive equal shares, any leftover money goes to the current boss, money in the breweries is accordingly shared between shareholders. After the 3rd payday the richest player wins.


Economy game on the theme of owning and running breweries and beergardens * 3-4 players from age 10 * Autor: Franz-Benno Delonge * 22766 8, Germany, Hanser Verlag + Zoch zum Spielen, 2004 *** Carl Hanser Verlag * *