Kackel Dackel


Kackel Dackel is a very greedy dog and feeding him produces dog muck. First Kackel Dackel is fed. You cut a portion of dog feed from the play-dough and shove it into the dog’s muzzle. Then you push it down using the bone. Now all players in turn roll the die. You either have to pump once, twice or three times or lose a turn or swap your shovel with a fellow player. In order to pump you press the push button on the leash. If nothing happens your turn ends. If the dog produces a heap you put it on your shovel and then feed Kackel Dackel again. The first player to collect three heaps wins the game.


A game of accumulation * 2-4 players, ages 4 and up * 30591, Goliath, Germany, 2010 *** Goliath Toys GmbH * www.goliathgames.de