Tennis in your own living room, no arduous simulation with cards or dice and booklets of statistics, now you lay out a tennis court on your table, slightly sand colored, you put up the net and two real players with movable arms, both right-handed players, and you are all set to play. The fascinating feature of this dexterity game with a tennis theme is the agile player figurine and also the moving markers underneath the tennis courts, which allow simulation of game features like going to the net or chasing a player into the far hand corner of the court. Luxurious simulation, in cooperation with the sports channel DSF.


Dexterity game  * 2 players from age 8  * Authors: Rolf Rötgers und Oliver Bolten *  ca. 60 min * ca. 25 € * Goldsieber 2000 *** Goldsieber Spiele * Werkstraße 1 * D-90765 Fürth * Fon: +49-911-9765-01 * Fax: +49-911-9765-160 * *