Pecunia non olet


Players run latrines in antique Rome and try to earn as much money as possible. Generous customers must be placed in one’s own latrine, tight fisted Romans are sent to the competitors. Length of stay is important, long-time users are also sent to other players, special cards such as line jumping, special tax, fish poisoning or senate assembly change the line on the latrines. At the end of his stay a customer pays a certain number of coins to the owner, the first player to earn 20 units wins the game.


Card and position game * 2-6 players from age 8 * Designers: Christian Fiore and Knut Happel * Graphics: Christian Fiore * ca. 40 min * 618 1203, Goldsieber, Germany, 2005 *** Goldsieber Spiele * Noris Spiele  *