Das Schwarze Auge Aventurien Aus Licht und Traum
Die Elfen Aventuriens
Regionen VII: Die Heimat der Elfen
Playing Aid for Das Schwarze Auge
Kultur, History and
people of the elves in the year 1027 BF
For Masters and Heroes of all experience levels
With maps on distribution and history of the elves
Aus Licht und Traum presents history, culture and life style of the four
major elf people: Auelfen along lakes and rivers of
Middle and
DSA Spielhilfe * 1 or more
players from age 14 * Editors: Katharina Pietsch and Tyll Zybura with Momo Evers * Graphics:
Vincent Dutrait and Ralph Berszuk
with Team * 12012,