Das Schwarze Auge Aventurien Am Großen Fluss


Playing accessory for Das Schwarze Auge

Aventurische Regionen VI: Das Westliche Mittelreich

Albernia, Windhag, Nordmarken, Kosch und die Feenlande im Jahre 1029 BF

Game master and players of all experience levels

Includes coloured maps and cards of the region

Adventurous past and actual fights amont the nobility, fairy magic and political intrigue blend on the banks of the Great River as in no other region of Aventiruen, in the west part of the Mittelreich betwien Fedok and Havena, the Farindelwald and Phecadital.


DSA Playing accessory * 1 or more players from age 14 * Editors: Momo Evers, Florian Don-Schauen, Thomas Römer and Team * Graphics: Tom Thiel and Team * 12011, Fanpro, Germany, 2005 *** Fantasy Productions GmbH * www.fanpro.com