Die Siedler von
Catan-Offensive in Chemnitz
Scenario for „Die Siedler von Catan“ – basic game
Chemnitz is settled, later in the game one can acquire picture post
cards of attractions in Chemnitz.
First one places a town with road, then a settlement with road, for the
settlement one receives resources cards. Settlements on the big roads allow
trade 3:1. Picture postcards correspond to the development cards from the basic
game, the robber can be chased away by discarding three resources cards or one
picture postcards.
Together with Saggsen Gadan on one board
For the 10 Year Anniversary of Deutsches
Scenario * 3-4 players from age 10 * Idee: FamilyGames
* Editor: Sebastian Rapp * © Kosmos
* Germany,
2005 *** FamilyGames,
Felsenweg Institut * www.familygames.de