Werde Weltmeister im DoppelSpass

Kombinationsfußball für clevere Kicker


Soccer simulation, each player has 3 figures, each piece is ball and player at the same time. One rolls the dice and moves one piece in between two others, while this is possible on moves on. If this is no longer possible or the ball is in the goal, the other player has a turn. Moves are made straight along the lines marked on board, jumping over a piece or moving a piece backwards is not allowed. The winner is the first player to score 7 goals.


Soccer simulation * 2 players from age 10 * Designer: Jürgen Michel * Graphics: Kreativ.Feldpausch * ca. 45 minutes * 1-5002, Eulenspiele, Germany, 2006 *** Eulenspiele * www.eulenspiele.de