Strike Fianco Renpaarden


On a 9x9 board three games are offered:

Strike is played with 28 pieces for each players, the discs are stacked to form kings or councillors, which move according to special rules. If a king is captured a new king must be formed in the next move. If a player cannot form a new king he has lost.

Fianco is played with 16 pieces, one can move forward and capture sideways by jumping over, one must capture. The first player to reach the opposite side with one piece wins the game.

Renpaarden is played with 18 pieces per player, the pieces move as the horse in chess and may jump over each other and can move in any direction. If a spot reaches is occupied by an opponent’s  horse one can add another jump. The first player with all horses on the opposite side has won.


Position game * 2 players * no age given * Designer: Fred Horn * Holland, Self Published, 2006 *** Fred Horn